
Patients with Dental Fear

You are not the only one with dental fear. At Zahncity we work almost daily with people that unfortunately developed different levels of fear from earlier dental experiences. In our work we progress with calm and gentleness. We know that the fear always decrease slowly. It will take several visits to be comfortable in the dental clinic but in most cases we get there, completely or we will make the situation bearable. For those who are in need of urgent treatment (en parentes struken) or for those who never really get rid of the anxiety, there are still other Options.

We provide you with different sedatives. The first choice we recommend to use is Dormicum. This one makes you more relaxed and calm but you will not sleep. We will communicate through the treatment. It is liquid medicine you drink and it will be effective after approximately 20 mins and will last for 1-2 hours.

If it is a lot of treatment which will take a long time and the fear is very strong we sometime recommend a full narcosis. This means that you are asleep during the treatment and under full control of a medical team. Then we can go through more treatments in the same time. For a healthy person the risks with full narcosis are very low but it should always be considered as a last option.

Never forget that we are here for you. When you need help we want to help you in every way possible. If the fear during a treatment is overwhelming we will not continue. We give you the treatment options and you decide when you are ready. Some days are better than others and as long as we get the cancellation 24 hours in advance we can easily change to a day that fits you better.

Book your appointment online or call us for your first appointment. If you just want to feel the environment at our clinic and meet your dentist, we make an easier examination to give you an approximate and overall cost estimate for you. An easy visit to make you more comfortable for the next time.

If you want more Info about dental fear click here

Warmly weclome

Vergessen Sie nicht, dass wir immer für Sie da sind und Ihnen helfen werden, soweit es uns möglich ist. Wenn Ihre Angst zu gross ist und auch während der Behandlung nicht verschwinden will, werden wir selbstverständlich mit der Behandlung aufhören. Wir schlagen Ihnen andere Lösungen vor und Sie können sich für einen Tag entscheiden, der Ihnen passt. Es ist möglich, gebuchte Termine zu abzusagen, vorausgesetzt, die Absage erfolgt 24 Stunden im Voraus.


Buchen Sie Ihren Termin online oder rufen Sie uns an, um einen Termin zu vereinbaren. Wenn Sie uns zunächst kurz besuchen möchten, um unser Team und unsere Praxis kennenzulernen, können wir eine erste kurze Untersuchung vornehmen und über die Kosten sprechen. Ein solcher Kurzbesuch kann dabei helfen, Ihren nächsten Aufenthalt bei uns bequemer zu gestalten. Für weitere Infos über Zahnarztangst klicken Sie hier!