
Teeth Bleaching

Have your teeth changed in appearance? Or do you experience that the shade of the teeth always been to dark? 

We provide you bleaching/tooth whitening. You can carry out the treatment conveniently at home or if you rather prefer, at the clinic. 

We all have different shades of tooth enamel originally. That is genetically and some teeth can be affected during their development. However the most common problem is the discoloration we get with time, due to all that we expose them for. Smoking, food and beverages are the normal reason for discoloration. A dental cleaning can remove plaque and dental stone but some of the discoloration penetrates the enamel. This you cannot remove with cleaning. Since late 1980s, dentistry started to use bleaching as an option to regain a satisfying color of the teeth.  

At ZahnCity we provide you two ways of bleaching, at home or directly in the clinic. We use Opalescence, the most well known tooth bleaching company, for both options.


Teeth Bleaching at home: 

Two visits are required. During the first visit we do impressions of your teeth and give you topical information. On the second visit you get the bleaching trays, bleaching gel and instructions how to bleach. You then start the treatment at home whenever you are ready. It often takes between one or two weeks to reach a satisfying shade. The result lasts between six month and two years, all depending on what your teeth are exposed to. The only thing to do when it is time for a new treatment is to buy new bleaching gel, the trays you already have.  


Teeth Bleaching at our clinic: 

Power bleaching are made over shorter time but with stronger bleaching gel. One or two visits are required, depending on the desired shade of the teeth. The change of the shade are slightly less than home bleaching because of the short bleaching time. Due to that we often recommend a combined treatment of power bleaching and home bleaching in several cases.

Protective material covers the gums. Bleaching gel is applied on the teeth, duration approximately 25 minutes. After this the bleached area is cleaned. If more bleaching is needed a new session of 25 minutes is done. We bleach at most two times per visit. If the new shade is not enough satisfying the teeth has to rest from the bleaching treatment and a new appointment is required. Same procedure every visit 


We always recommend a check-up before treatment with bleaching. Bleaching your teeth when having cavities or infected gums creates a great risk for worse problems. About 4% of all patients have teeth with more organic material than normal which unfortunately makes the bleaching effect low.